Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Loadin' Lumber

Well, Christmas was wonderful, keeping it chill with Sera and Jill.  Playing Set, eating lots of good food, and enjoying hot buttered rums (we probably each consumed a half pound of butter between Christmas Eve and Day.

Sera and I got all the lumber loaded onto Gib's trailer on Monday, which got stuck, or rather Big Red got stuck and broke the trailing eye on the driver's leaf spring, trying to pull 6000+ pounds of lumber on soft, wet ground.  We called it quits for the day and picked up a friend's tractor on Tuesday.

Even the big, heavy tractor (8000#) with 4wd engaged couldn't pull it uphill like I wanted, so I went WITH gravity, for a bit anyways.  I got jambed again and ended up using a chain and blocks to pivot the trailer without being attached to a vehicle.  I finally got it down the road, but again it was time to call it a day.

So finally, on New Year's Eve, I worked alone to get all the lumber off the trailer and loaded into the tiny house, which will temporarily be a solar kiln.

I'll  cut off those ends with my chainsaw before the wall insulation goes up.  I selected the bad ends of those pieces to stick out so I wouldn't be losing much important.

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