Monday, November 17, 2014

11/19: Bent #1

First things first.  It's freakin' C-O-L-D!!!  Big thanks to George and Gaelan for splittin' all this wood...uhh, I mean little teeny, tiny bit of wood I've been burning in the AWESOME shop to stay warm.

Got all the materials laid out for the "bents" aka the walls at the short ends

Unfortunately, the angled pieces were all cut with the angle in the same direction, like all back slash instead of one with forward slash, even though I drew it exactly like that on my "cut sheet" that I faxed to the steel company, I'm sure they figured it was just a silly mistake and it didn't matter.  But it does to a degree.  Now, one of the pieces will be backwards with it's cup facing out so it's web does not line up with the edge of the corner column and transfer loads more directly.  I decided it was not a big deal and that it would not be the reason this thing might one day fall apart.  Onward!

So, more grinding...

And more welding, not sooo pretty, but I'm confident it is thoroughly strong.

It took over an hour, probably two, of measuring diagonals, grinding  a little bit of one end, realigning, re-measuring diagonals, repeat, repeat, repeat, but I got it all tacked.

Oh yeah!  Be prepared to spend a LOT on grinding/cutting disks and welding rods if you're gonna build your own trailer.  This trip to the my favorite local auto store cost 100 bucks, it didn't look like it.  And the 10# of welding rods was not even 20 bucks.  Anyways, had to have it.

Flipped the bent over, ak-ward-ly and alone, and ran beads all over everything.

'Nother shot of the same thing.

Getting better, looks like the amperage is a little too high and cutting out some of the metal, good penetration there though!

Time was starting to press this Wednesday evening, but I decided to call it a night at 11 pm and save it for the next couple days.

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