Sunday, November 16, 2014

Squarin' Up and Gettin' Hitched

Well a large majority of Friday was spent gathering welding stuff since my welder is out of service.  Paul to the rescue!!!  He brought me one welder and some fresh rods, but the welder was a little underpowered for the material I'm working with so Ashlyn and I went up to his house to get his rather old "tombstone" AC/DC welder.  I ended up hard wiring it with the USE cable that was my extension cord for my welder.  It was around 9:30 before I finally got welding.  I managed to get four of the six spring hangers mounted and then called it quits.  Made it home by 12:30!

Today was pretty sweet.  Spent the whole morning raking leaves and then jumping in them with my little bud Cosmo.  Great laughing therapy.  Did some running around and picked up a 30" x 80" dual pane piece of glass as well as two 48" x 80" dual panes with sliding door sash all traded for some veggies from the garden and everyone was quite happy.  I finally made it to the garage around 5 in very good spirits.  I decided to watch a couple welding videos on youtube to see if I could improve my skills a bit....didn't really work.  I think I'll surely be paying someone with MUCH more experience to run the final beads.  I got the other two spring mounts on then flipped everything over and squared up the girders with a couple of the braces between them.  I got to tacking and running some beads with lots of rechecking for square and level between arcing.  I put the other two braces in and got the hitch coupler mounted.  It's really starting to look like a trailer.  I never knew how excited I could be about a trailer!  Here she is, in all her beauty and glory.....

Tomorrow I'll work on the joists and joist caps and maybe get all the grinding done for the bents.  That ought to be plenty, but maybe I'll even get the bents tacked together?  One step at a time.  This is a very important part of the process.  I'm really enjoying myself and this project.  22 years in the making!



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