Friday, November 28, 2014

Snowy Thanks Giving

We had a beautiful ThanksGiving morning and it certainly is the epitome of bitter-sweet moving out of this place where I currently live, but I know it will be more than well worth it.

I have soooo much to be thankful for and lately it's almost pure bliss to be alive, well, prosperous, and living my vision and bringing my creativity to life.

I thought it would be a good time to name the folks who I feel have really helped get me here. From the beginning(well, not like big bang, primordial slime, but pretty far back) and semi-chronologically:

-Uhh, Mom and Dad: They say it takes two to tango(TMI?), thanks for "dancing" and for realizing maybe you weren't the best partners.  I doubt I would've gotten to do half the things I got to experiment with in my awesome childhood otherwise.

-Herb and Marnie: For opening up your home, yourselves, everything to me.  I doubt I'd be living here if it weren't for you AWESOME two!

-Janey, David, Kim: For letting me steward your land and being patient with me as I've learned and struggled with what a big task it is.  You've been so flexible and I really appreciate my growing relationship with all of you.

-Ben and Cedar: Oh, the things I've borrowed from you.  It has helped me out tremendously.  I'm glad you trust me to be responsible.  And your inspiration as teachers and sharers of knowledge.  I hope to one day pass on what I am learning about food growing and other very important matters with the attendance and dedication you exhibit.

-Gib: Again, the tools and other things you've lent me have helped me make leaps and bounds on this project and many others.  And of course your calm Fatherly presence.  If only we got to choose our parents.  Just sayin'!

-George and Whitney:  For this wonderful job and all that you've done to make it possible for so many of us to be gainfully employed AND live in this wonderful valley and community.  Thanks for your willingness to share so much, especially the shops and space here that are allowing me to comfortably and easily work on this project.

-Jon: Again another person I've borrowed invaluable tools AND knowledge from.  Thanks for taking the time to sit down with me and go over the ideas for this project and offer your suggestions and concerns.  I have felt much ease since our consultation.

-Tim:  For the truck!  Holy-jeez.  I've hauled firewood, trailers, hay, compost, trash, you name it with that old Camp truck and not been stuck ONCE!  I hope it'll take me through this project and beyond.    What incredible generosity!

-Eric: For chatting with me about ...A-NY-THING... and bringing new ideas to light.  And for your generosity to offer helpful tools without prompt.  Once again, you're a great dude and I hope you're around here for many years to come.

-Paul:  We made log dogs for the first time I felled some poplars and peeled bark.  You've lent me many of your tools and time and knowledge and I enjoy hanging out with you loads and bunches.

-Gred: For partnering with Herbie and helping to make my experience here possible.  Thanks for being willing to discuss building and engineering, etc with me and give me some awesome input and again lend me very helpful tools.

I could probably go on with twice that list, but feel that is certainly a good portion of the "upper echelon" for my experience here.  Really though, it takes all of this community to make it all happen.  We all give and receive to and from each other and it can just keep going around and around.  I was very happy to be reminded by Tim and Paul that while from my perspective everyone else is great, they're great to me, because of something about me too.


Smokin' Hams!  Oh yeah!

We had a wonderful Giving Thanks feast and sooo much to feel thankful for.  Have to give thanks for the challenging times too that make this all that much more wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. That is the nicest Thanksgiving Thanks that I've ever heard. Thank you, Keenan, for blogging about your experiences. Sharing your life is a wonderful thing.
